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Xi Guo, China

“For me, a Taoist, life and death are the alternation of seasons. Birth and death are like coming from the “Tao” and going back to the “Tao”. By my paintings, both nature and portraits, I am seeking the beauty of the forms of lives, delightful

Stephen Yau, Canada

Stephen Yau was born in Hong Kong. He has held 37 solo exhibitions in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore and Canada and participated in over 200 group exhibitions in various countries. His paintings have won him many awards and are in the collections of local

Pasqualino Fracasso, Italy

“I am an eclectic watercolourist regarding my choice of subjects and styles. I love influencing traditional watercolour with abstract and modern solutions which I have acquired from other media, techniques, and materials. My vision of watercolour is that the painter has to play on the

Michal Jasiewicz, Poland

‘Watercolour as a technique is a bit unpredictable, you need to give it autonomy and let it do half of the work. Spontaneity and freshness are the greatest merits of watercolour’   Born in 1977 in Nowy SACZ, Poland Michal is an architect by profession.   Architecture and watercolour

Dan McCrary, USA

“When I was growing up in the fifties, the exuberant (and sometimes over-the-top) designs of American automobiles totally captured my imagination. My enthusiastic pursuit is to isolate portions of these designs that, while captured realistically, form these delightfully abstract compositions." Dan's paintings of cars and auto