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Veneta Docheva (Bulgaria)

For me art is a feeling, a strong emotion, an experience. I love painting. My inner world has huge importance for me, and I try to revive it on the white paper. I paint landscapes, flowers but the real world is just a way to

Xi Guo, China

“For me, a Taoist, life and death are the alternation of seasons. Birth and death are like coming from the “Tao” and going back to the “Tao”. By my paintings, both nature and portraits, I am seeking the beauty of the forms of lives, delightful

Patricia Guzman, Mexico

Patricia Guzman is one of the world's great watercolour Masters. Born and living in Mexico her style and attention to detail has captured International acclaim. She paints with deep spirituality capturing the soul and essence of her subjects. A true Master of watercolour, prepare to be both

Pasqualino Fracasso, Italy

“I am an eclectic watercolourist regarding my choice of subjects and styles. I love influencing traditional watercolour with abstract and modern solutions which I have acquired from other media, techniques, and materials. My vision of watercolour is that the painter has to play on the

Laurie Goldstein-Warren, USA

Originally from New York, Laurie now lives in West Virginia. She has been painting watercolours for the last 19 years. Laurie continues to experiment with new techniques in watercolour and watercolour/acrylic. She has exhibited her work in the U.S., Japan, Turkey, Greece, Canada and China.