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Sarah Stokes

As part of IWM TV, a range of artists from different countries have produced a variety of watercolour tutorials for your viewing, available to re-watch on demand with our streaming service.

Watercolour Tutorial:

Reference photo (Kingfisher by Ian Gray):

Winsor and Newton Paint:

  • Manganese blue hue
  • Quinacridone magenta
  • Winsor lemon
  • Ultramarine blue
  • Ivory black


  • Watercolour paper: textured, cold press, 225 gsm or above.
  • Sarah used Sanders Waterford 638gsm textured by St. Cuthberts Mill, 100% Cotton.


  • Round synthetic 10 or 12 
  • A smaller round brush 4 or 6
  • Optional stiff old brush for lifting areas to regain light.


  • Palette
  • Water
  • Kitchen roll.