IWM2022 Coming Soon

Coming Soon IWM2022 Last call for IWM Workshop places Late availability - last few places Alvaro Castagnet David Poxon Patricia Guzman Pablo Ruben Laurie Goldstein Warren Matthew Bird Pasqualino Fracasso Fabio Cembranelli Cesc Farre Joe Dowden Workshops take place in special rooms attached to the main IWM Exhibition Hall. Workshops are from 10am to 4.00pm. Tea and coffee provided More Info

Learn watercolor. Master of watercolour Pablo Ruben appears at International Watercolour Masters exhibition. Lilleshall Hall hosts International Masters of watercolour exhibition.

Learn how to paint in watercolor

Learn to Paint watercolour   Want to paint like a Master ? Now is your big chance.   International Masters of Watercolour will run special workshops during the IWM Shropshire Exhibition. Learn to paint watercolour with a Master. Find the real Masters at Lilleshall Hall, Shropshire, England in May 2022. Pablo Ruben, the

iwm2022,lilleshall hall, best watercolours, exhibitions, whats on, shropshire, masters,

Masters Banquet Date announced

IWM2022 Masters Banquet date announced. The date is May 24th and the venue is the Ramada Hotel Telford Shropshire. Winners of the IWM Contest have their seats reserved for this celebratory feast. Guests of honour will include Watercolour Masters present at the IWM2022 event at Lilleshall Hall, including

Masters Banquet at IWM2022, Alvaro Castagnet, David Poxon, RI, Fabio Cembranelli, Eudes Correia, Patricia Guzman, Jukia Barminova, Joe Dowden, Veneta Docheva, Mary Whyte, Dean Mitchell, Ilya, Matthew Bird, Cesc Farre, Pablo Ruben Lopez, Sans, Konstantine Sterchov. Laurie Goldstein at Masters Banquet IWM2022. Dan Mccrary, David Stickel IWM2022 Prize winner at Masters Banquet IWM2022.


The IWM2022 Contest winners will be treated to a place at the Master Banquet on the 24th May 2022. This glittering event will run as part of the IWM2022 Exhibition. The Contest runs until the 15th October. Winners will also have their winning paintings exhibited in the

IWM 2022 Contest , Big Awards , major event Alvaro, Eudes, Fabio, David, IWM, IWS,IMWA, greece 5, AWS, NWS, RI, Enter now. The elite Masters, Lilleshall Hall, SAA.


IWM2022 CONTEST JUST GOT BIGGER Due to the superb response to the IWM Contest more prize Awards have been added. We expect even more Awards will be added soon as the IWM Event has captured the imagination of watercolor fans the world over. Everyone wants to exhibit at

IWM, IWS, RI, NWS, AWS, TIimes, Contest, Competition now, Big prize for winners, Top artists, Masters, Lilleshall, SAA, Enter, Find, Look , Alvaro, Guzman, Eudes, Fabio, Poxon, Xi, Zhou, Veneta, Nagi, Shropshire , whats on, england, attractions, yes

IWM2022 New Contest

IWM2022 NEW CONTEST International Watercolour Masters the world's greatest watercolour event will run a new contest starting 16th September. The 6 top prizes are the ultimate for any aspiring artist any where in the world. win a place exhibiting at IWM2022 Lilleshall Hall England in May

Lilleshall Hall England is the venue for the International Watercolour Masters Exhibition in May 2020

Workshop News

IWM2022 England The pursuit of Excellence. All workshops OPEN and NOW BOOKING ! Eugeniu Gorean, Pablo Ruben, Cesc Farre, Joe Dowden, Konstantin Sterkhov, Laurie Goldstein-Warren, Eudes Correia, Marvin Chew, Jansen Chow, Matthew Bird, Pasqualino Fracasso, Linda Baker, Patricia Guzman (sold out wait list) Julia Barminova (sold out

Pablo Ruben Lopez San @ IWM2021 Internbational Watercolour Masters , MMasters of Watercolor, Alliance, Elite exhibition, aquarelle worlds best at IWM2021

Pablo Ruben @ #IWM2022

Pablo Ruben Workshop  booking now Spanish Maestro Pablo Ruben added to the IWM2022 Exhibition. Pablo Ruben will run a 2 day workshop at #IWM2022. Dates are confirmed and booking is open ! 21 and 22 May 2022 are the days for the Pablo Ruben workshop. Spaces are limited. Workshop

iwm2022,lilleshall hall, best watercolours, exhibitions, whats on, shropshire, masters,

International Watercolour Masters Exhibition New dates 2022

[vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" text_align="left" video="" css_animation="" box_shadow_on_row="no"][vc_column][vc_column_text] IWM is Rescheduled to May 2022 As you will be well aware, these are tough times for the world & events organisers. The social limitations surrounding the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak are continually changing day by day, and given the severity

IWM2021 Event Programme

    IWM2021 event Programme       Demonstrations and Lectures MAY 2021  Time           Master Artist   4th           12.30          PASQUALINO FRACASSO (Italy)                     2.00        Â