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Nicolas Lopez (Peru)

Nicolas Lopez, born in Peru 35 years ago.
He paints as if his life depended on
it, as if there was no tomorrow.
Painting  is his oxygen- to breathe- and to express
what he has inside.
When you are exposed to one of his black and white paintings, you get an immediate
pang because something in his visual language touches your heart. His peculiar style
and his absolute freedom when he paints makes you connect with the Earth and
your own essence.
Nicolas takes you by the hand along the path of the water, in permanent dialogue
with him. Nicolas travels the world, he is a painter who breaks most rules, without aiming to do so.
His free spirit obeys the laws of nature and ultimately  the spirit of water, which is the
main character.
It is a real honour to introduce Nicolas Lopez to the IWM2024 audience, this appearance is his UK debut.
Be prepared to be very impressed!

Nicolas Lopez at IWM2024

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