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Viva Espana @IWM2024


Viva Espana Viva Portugal  @IWM2024 Spain and Portugal's top watercolour stars are all heading for IWM2024, it's a fact. Pablo Ruben, Cesc Farre, Julio Jorge, and Mona Omrani are all scheduled for headline appearances at Lilleshall Hall in May 2024. Cesc, Pablo and Mona will all run workshops

Learn watercolor. Master of watercolour Pablo Ruben appears at International Watercolour Masters exhibition. Lilleshall Hall hosts International Masters of watercolour exhibition.

Learn how to paint in watercolor

Learn to Paint watercolour   Want to paint like a Master ? Now is your big chance.   International Masters of Watercolour will run special workshops during the IWM Shropshire Exhibition. Learn to paint watercolour with a Master. Find the real Masters at Lilleshall Hall, Shropshire, England in May 2022. Pablo Ruben, the

iwm2022, lilleshall, masters, watercolour exhibition, workshops, shropshire, must see, International Watercolour Masters


#IWM2022 Workshops are now booking at the rescheduled elite Masters show in May 2022 This is a unique opportunity to learn with the world's best watercolour Masters at Lilleshall Hall Shropshire, England in May 2022. See the Event program page for dates. The following Masters will be running