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Lillias August RI

"Primarily I want to honour the things I’m painting. They absorb me and, however mundane they may seem, I want to give them an opportunity to speak and be valued. Most things have some sort of personal resonance or connotation and they’ll evoke different feelings

Björn Bernström (Sweden)

Björn Bernström, Sweden. Björn is an award winning artist living outside of Stockholm. He has participated in over 100 exhibitions in Sweden and abroad and is a sought-after watercolor instructor. The motifs in his paintings are often experienced moments taken from places near and far. Just

Gerhard Ritter (Australia)

Gerhard Ritter  Adelaide South Australia "Watercolour painting has become a life long journey for me. A journey of learning, adaption and enjoyment. I enjoy sharing my love for this exasperating medium through teaching, demonstrating, holding workshops and producing short videos. In all my work I think it is

Carrie Waller (USA)

Carrie is a watercolor artist working in a realistic, detailed style. Her studies in Interior Design and Graphic Design as well as her time spent living in Europe an Asia have influenced her as an artist. Carrie currently works from her Texas studio after returning from Tokyo, Japan

Michael Solovyev (Canada)

Michael Solovyev, Canada Michael Solovyev's  traditional academic art education, extensive experience as a head theater stage designer, and oil painter career, now inform his priority as a watercolor artist – light. Michael is a watercolor artist of great renown, with exhibitions and workshops all over the world, from Bolivia

Julia Ustinovich at the IWM2024 International Watercolour Masters in England.

Julia Ustinovich (Poland)

"My work is about the elusive moment, the touch of the skin, euphoria, about love in all its manifestations. My language is open to everyone and understandable to those who want to feel it. because feelings make us so alive. My paintings are torn from

Szczepan Urbanowicz (Australia)

Szczepan comes from an architectural background. He was born in Poland but now makes his home in Australia. His watercolours look beyond the rigid and detailed confines of his architectural training and explore qualities of light through contrasts in form, colour, and composition. His passion

Xi Guo, China

“For me, a Taoist, life and death are the alternation of seasons. Birth and death are like coming from the “Tao” and going back to the “Tao”. By my paintings, both nature and portraits, I am seeking the beauty of the forms of lives, delightful

Tianya Zhou, China

Zhou Tianya was awarded Bachelor’s Degree from Hubei Institute of Fine Art, he taught art at Jingchu Academy of Technology after graduation. Currently he lives and paints in Shenzhen, China and works, as curator and professional artist of Luohu Cultural Centre   Tianya is an elected member

Patricia Guzman, Mexico

Patricia Guzman is one of the world's great watercolour Masters. Born and living in Mexico her style and attention to detail has captured International acclaim. She paints with deep spirituality capturing the soul and essence of her subjects. A true Master of watercolour, prepare to be both

Julio Jorge, Portugal

Julio is one of the great modern watercolour portrait artists. He captures the essence and soul of the subjects that call him. IWM2024 is Julio's second appearance in the UK,  a real treat for the visiting audience. “My name is Júlio Jorge, I was born in